Personalised bags saves the day.
Personalised bags reduce loss at Schools. Amongst all the excitement of returning to school or at the beginning of the year it is so easy for our little ones to forget their bags, pencil case, hats and well just about everything they take with them. Personalised bags can save you the trouble of them losing their gear. At we have every school need available with a personalised names printed on all our items. Much easier to spot your bag or case if your name is on it but also easy for the Teacher to quickly identify the owner of the stray bag, hat or pencil case. A couple of our regular Mums have declared that they have reduced the ” I lost my bag Mum” to more than half of what it was prior to putting the child,s name on it. Obviously not a scientific case study here but it makes sense.
What a great gift from Grandma and Grandpa. My very own bag with my very own name on it. Something to be remebered! One of our Mums made the error of buying the same bag for both twin girls. Not hard to do as we know sometimes twins like the same things. Confusion was a daily occurrance until Mum decided it was easier to get new bags with their names printed on the outside. Peace and tranquility followed. Well it stopped the wrong bag syndrome anyway!
There is something extra special about a personalised gifts and its not just for kids. Personalised Jewelry makes a wonderful gift for you loved ones or a gift for the wedding or engagement.
Perhaps you have a special little time or event you want to remember forever with a keepsake. A personlaised plaque or necklace pendant is perfect.